Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Projects in 7B- Gina

Drew working on his project.
Anna working on her heater.
For the past few weeks, we have been working on a project called the iGrow Project. This project's purpose is to use our creativity in order to make either a product or role that will benefit the greenhouse in any way.

Eugene, Daniel, and Sabine's new system.
Some people choose a product, which means they made an object for the iGrow Project. Jennifer and Rachel are making a poster, Nicholas and Michael are making a new system, Anna is working on making a new heater, Eugene, Daniel, and Sabine are also making a new system and Andrew is making a solar panel.

Nicholas and Michael's new system.
Jennifer and Rachel are making a
poster to spread the greenhouse. 
Other people are making roles and they're the ones who work in the greenhouse and maintain the systems and organise the materials

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